Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!
It's been a few weeks since I enlightened you all with a brewery like this one here and here. Since we have cover my top two breweries, I feel it's only fair to give my third all time favorite!
Today's Brewery:
ncbrewing.org |
Mother Earth, a name that originated from two men listening to their rock-n-roll vinyl albums, some dating back to the year 1965, when they stumbled across the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Those two men, Stephen Hill and Trent Mooring,
motherearthbrewing.com |
both from Kinston, NC, decided to take their creativity and love of beer to a whole new level. Staying true to their name, Mother Earth, they decided to stay green in each process. For example, when choosing a locating there in Kinston, they decided that instead of tearing down a building to build a new one, they would buy said old building and enhance it giving it the TLC it needed through using environmentally friendly construction material.How was this done you ask?
The list literally continues, and if you would like to know more about what they used in the building, beer, etc., go here.
Now for the beer!
thegreatestbeerofalltime.com |
Weeping Willow Wit
A different Belgian wit for those that typically drink Blue Moon or Shock Top.
This was the second Mother Earth beer I tried after falling in love with Mother Earth's Dark Cloud.
Weeping Willow is very light, sweet and crisp.
I would suggest this beer to those that claim not to like beer but are willing to give it another go.
thegreatestbeerofalltime.com |
Dark Cloud
The first Mother Earth beer I ever tried!
I think most are afraid to try Dark Cloud because of its appearance. Being a Munich Dunkel, it is darker in color as a dark lager should be, yet like a lager, Dark Cloud is somewhere in the middle of being light and heavy.
Encompassing a rather earthy taste, I love Dark Cloud for what it brings to the table, unpredictability.
It makes me laugh to watch others try Dark Cloud for the first time as their faces go from fear to surprise, ending with the phrase I love to hear, "Wow! This is good!"
thegreatestbeerofalltime.com |
Sisters Of The Moon
I was really excited to try Mother Earth's India Pale Ale and as expected, drank every last drop, yearning for another, only to hear myself say I was okay with water.
Sisters of the Moon carries an earthy start, as I'm beginning to think most Mother Earth beers do, exploding into a bitter ride and ending with slightly sweet finish.
The first, and only (yet won't be the last), time I tried Sisters of the Moon, was this past Tuesday when Ryan and I went to Raleigh for his grandpa's 92nd birthday. Not a beer for everyone but definitely one all should try if offered or available.
If you are going to friends/families home today to watch the Superbowl, be sure to pick up Mother Earth or try one by building your own pack at the grocery store!